Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Precept to increase by 12% next year

At its meeting on 14 December 2009, Icklesham Parish Council fixed a budget of £99,843 for the financial year starting on 1 April 2010. This means a precept (the tax levied by the Parish Council on residents) of £77,500 compared with £69,414 in this current financial year (the additional £22,343 in the budget will be financed mainly by £20,793 of unspent money likely to be carried over from this year).The budget discussion and the rest of the Council meeting are described in another posting. The budget (with previous year's figures in brackets) is:

23,800  Clerks' costs (23,600)
4,750    other admin expenses (4,750)
2,000    insurance (2,000)
2,000    elections fund (0)
500       training fund (1,000)
1,500    newsletter, website fund (1,500)
300       Chairman's allowance (450)
7,500    contingency fund (7,500)
750       legal contigency fund (750)
7,000     grass cutting (7,000)
5,500     rubbish & dog bin collections (5,200)
2,500     street lighting in Winchelsea (2,500)
1,400     playground maintenance fund (900)
1,000     allotments maintenance fund (1,000)
1,000     Smeatons Lane maintenance fund (5,000)
500        tree maintenance fund (4,500)
3,500     fence repair fund (3,500)
4,500     other repairs, cleaning, small works fund (4,421)
capital projects
3,118     cost of loan for Icklesham Memorial Hall grant (3,118)
4,000     Icklesham Recreation Ground drainage maintenance (0)
5,000     new playground equipment in Winchelsea Beach
2,000     new playground equipment in Rye Harbour
2,000     Rye Harbour flagpole maintenance (1,000)
750        new sign for Rye Harbour
175        new bin by Strand bus shelter
5,000     Pear Tree Marsh allotment project
1,000     donations fund (1,000)
4,000     grants to village halls (4,000)
1,000     grants to churchyards (3,150)
1,500     grant to Rye Community Transport (1,500)
300       grant to Rye Harbour Nature Reserve (300)
99,843 total expenditure (108,092)

20,793   unspent funds carried over from previous year (36,364)
2           interest (7)
148       rent (148)
1,400    allotment rents (1,400)
77,500   precept (69,414)
99,843 total income (107,333)

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